Keene Design Photography

Keene Design Photography

In July 2017 Shirey decided to take her website down.   In Summer 2016 Shirey Keene asked for a free consultation.  Her Keene Design Photography website was working, but taking a lot of time and effort to update. Shirey also wanted to be able to sell photographs...
The Pelton Collection

The Pelton Collection

The artists of the Pelton Collection contacted us for a website redesign. Their previous website had been set up as an on-line store. Ray and Mary Helen found that they were spending too many hours maintaining the on-line inventory. They wanted an artists website that...
Desert Spirit Arts

Desert Spirit Arts

Meira Yaer wanted a website to promote her work and came to us to design such a site. In designing the website we used some of the vibrant colors from Meira’s art Meira’s calls her art style “Desert Impressionist.” Desert Spirit was a...