Clay Harper Horsemanship
contacted us about a new site that would be used as an extended business card. The old website for Clay Horse Horsemanship was out of date. Also the Harper’s were dissatisfied with their hosting company. The lack of good technical support and long hold times had the Harper’s frustrated. As strong advocates for American business they wanted an American hosting company.
What They Wanted
For the website Clay wanted Clay Harper Horsemanship to give an overview of what he offers to horse owners and trainers. He also wanted a website that was easy to maintain. We created an understated site with a subtle western theme. We feel that this website profiles Clay and Jacquie’s skills. The site also features their philosophy of training horses at their place in Southern California.
Clay also wanted an area specific to his sponsors. He considered a separate page with links. To keep the website affordable we added the sponsor logos to the home page.
Clay pointed out that many people are so familiar with logos that they really don’t remember names anymore. Clay asked if we could link sponsors’ sites to sponsors’ logos. We added all the linked logo images to his home page.
What they Received
Once the new website was completed we moved it to Newtek for hosting. We recommend Newtek as they are a Phoenix based business and offer 24/7 support. After working with foreign based hosting company in the past we only recommend Newtek now!
We are in the process of training Clay and Jacquie to take over their site’s maintenance. They want to add a photo gallery. The new Clay Harper Horsemanship website is receiving many more visitors than Clay had expected. They have even had horse owners from Europe contact them and come for a visit!
FastWinn Photography took the photos of Clay and Jacquie and their horses for the Clay Harper Horsemanship website